Feb 15, 2023




Designer Skill Assessment UI/UX with Wireframe and Prototypes

Designer Skill Assessment UI/UX with Wireframe and Prototypes

Designer Skill Assessment UI/UX with Wireframe and Prototypes

A streamlined Figma concept design for assessing candidate skills efficiently, reducing confusion for both candidates and employers. Features include auto layout, complex wireframes, three scenarios, and detailed documentation.

Designer Skill Assessment UI/UX with Wireframe and Prototypes
Designer Skill Assessment UI/UX with Wireframe and Prototypes
Designer Skill Assessment UI/UX with Wireframe and Prototypes

The sorted way to discover and assess the skills and knowledge of potential candidates to hire.

It's confusing for the candidate as well as making the required assignment, and every candidate uses a different style or format.

This also makes the employer confuse every time hey need to assess the assignment for a potential employee.

There is no system in place to make it convenient and less time-consuming for candidates and employers.

So I made this Concept design made using Figma with proper components and complex prototypes in play.

Some of the features:

  • Auto Layout

  • Complex Wireframe

  • 3 Screens and Scenarios

  • Documentations and Explanation

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